Math is beautiful. Most things could be done with it.
Learn and practice math by solving various problems that are created with one click.
(PC only)

Let's start

Begin the wonderful journey of learning math by downloading the application

Application's screenshot.

Some info

about the project

1. Internet connection for the app

Internet connection is not necessary for app to function properly but it is needed to update the app.

2. A little about math problems

The app generates different math related problems from simple to quite interesting. Those math problems are generated from limited pull of topics.

3. Updates are optional

If newer version is available app won't update itself without user permission. App asks that permission every time it launches.

About Us

Short story:

The idea of creating a generator for math problems came randomly and was interesting. The result of this idea maybe will help some people in understanding quite simple math.
Sorry for super short story it is hard to create bigger one.


1. Make creation of math related problems easier.
2. Automate creation of math related problems.


Profile picture


Author, main developer, main designer.
"As beginner I think I created interesting app that I hope will help someone." - TerraBoii.
If you want to check my other projects you can find me on GitHub:
   --> "My profile"
   --> "My projects"

If you want to learn more about me check my Portfolio:
   --> "My personal webpage"

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